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1930-1940 Iron hand Oscar

These years saw the beginning of the “iron-hand” secretary-ship of the late Oscar Oates and the ensuing years proved most successful under his guidance. The membership, which in the late 1930’s was over 700, was brought about mainly through a liquor licence in 1934; easing of the “dole” years and more general works programmes initiated by the Government of the day.  This led to more club life, members feeling their independence with their own keys to the front door of the club, a place where they could meditate, play any of half a dozen sports, or read any one of a dozen newspapers. Yes, the club really was what a club should be – plenty of volunteers for jobs to be done, at little cost to the club; lending a hand when needed, ever ready to support when support was wanted and the club prospered. 

1930-1940 Sir Robert Cosgrove

A member Robert Cosgrove, donated a trophy for competition between Hobart and Burnie annually, later he became Premier of Tasmania and was knighted. Len Barwick donated a fine trophy and so it went on to be the happiest and most prolific time of the club’s history. 


During the next decennium (ten years) trials beset this fine club of ours, and we feel that this period is not in keeping with our proud history, so therefore let it go the way of the books and documents of that time, for we shall never see them again. Our sporting achievements in Table Tennis, Cricket, Snooker, Billiards, Badminton, and Cribbage have carved a niche for the club in the history of Southern Tasmanian Clubs and in this our Centenary year, one hundred years in the one club house (to be amended as required to reflect the passage of 150 years in the same Club House) let us say, “We feel that by historical facts we can produce we are the oldest such type of club in Australia, and that in keeping, we are also the proudest club in Australia” Centenary Trophy WinnersDarts: - J.Rice Snooker: - A.Martin Table Tennis: - R. McKellar Cribbage: - R.Oates Billiards: -G.Tew